Inside Kendall Jenner’s Cozy L.A. Hideaway | Open Door | Architectural Digest


24-year-old Kendall has been actively working as a model for several years and during this time she managed to purchase and equip her own house in Los Angeles, which previously belonged to Charlie Sheen. Jenner showed how she lives to Architectural Digest, whose journalists were visiting her even before the quarantine. And the result of the visit was the September magazine cover! Kendall Jenner's home was designed by designers Caitlin and Tommy Clements, jointly renowned decorator Waldo Fernandez. They noted that Kendall initially wanted to decorate her home in warm and restrained colors, as well as complement the picture with interesting art objects. This is how hand-painted 18th century Italian door panels, an old Turkish carpet, and a number of paintings and sculptures by famous masters appeared in her house. 24-летняя Кендалл уже несколько лет активно работает моделью и за это время ей удалось приобрести и обустроить собственный дом в Лос-Анджелесе, который ранее принадлежал Чарли Шину. То, как она живет, Дженнер показала изданию Architectural Digest, журналисты которого были у нее в гостях еще до карантина. А результатом визита стала сентябрьская обложка журнала! Видео Inside Kendall Jenner’s Cozy L.A. Hideaway | Open Door | Architectural Digest Приятного просмотра!

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